Since the beginning of our cooperation in 2005, the company has repeatedly confirmed its knowledge and professionalism in the solutions offered.
Ryszard Bedynek
Head of IT Department
furniture design & production
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In today’s market, to stay afloat, one has to keep up to date with newest technologies. There’s nothing wrong with being an artisan with a plane in one hand and a pencil in the other, but big players are focusing on one thing: automation. WOODEXPERT supports all kinds of CNC woodworking machines – nesting and otherwise – by all manufacturers.…~ Błażej Muszyński
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You can also generate a bill of materials for the entire project with a single click. Our extended and improved BOM module has many possibilities for data acquisition: reports, catalogs, packaging module, editing of components without interfering with the model, custom defined fields: be sure to see these functionalities of WOODEXPERT BOM in this video. [embed][/embed] Intrigued? Find out how…~ Ewa Gaczorek
The drawing generator is something our customers love. Drawings can also be automatically generated working from a developer's projection. Don't miss to see how to create in seconds...a finished PDF catalog with dimensioned projections literally in one click. See for yourself by watching the fourth video in our series. [embed][/embed] Intrigued? Find out how to start your 30-Day WOODEXPERT trial?…~ Ewa Gaczorek
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Various types of furniture design softwares are available in the market. What are the differences between them and WOODEXPERT? (more…)~ Ewa Gaczorek