Since the beginning of our cooperation in 2005, the company has repeatedly confirmed its knowledge and professionalism in the solutions offered.
Ryszard Bedynek
Head of IT Department
furniture design & production

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Man! Back in my days things were simple. All you needed to make furniture was some paper and a pencil. Not anymore: computers, CNC’s, this thing, that thing. Look at him, Mr. Smarty-pants. Sitting in front of his computer, “working”. Let him try production hall for a month. He’ll see what real work looks like. Have you heard that before? I…~ Błażej Muszyński
test the full version of the software
30 days at no cost
we present - we implement - we provide technical support
see for yourself
In today's dynamic world, furniture design has gained a new dimension thanks to advanced computer programs. Whether you are a professional designer or a DIY enthusiast, furniture design programs can make the designing process much easier. In the video below, we will guide you through the steps of installing the demo version of our original SOLIDWORKS add-on - WOODEXPERT. Get…~ Krzysztof Zieliński
Starting a new project in WOODEXPERT is very simple! In this video, we will show you step by step how to create a new project in WOODEXPERT. You will learn how to set up your workspace, what options are available, and how to effectively manage your project from start to finish. Our guide will help you quickly and efficiently get…~ Błażej Muszyński
test the full version of the software
30 days at no cost
we present - we implement - we provide technical support
see for yourself
The third tutorial in this series shows how to give supporting and finishing materials to a model: in an unconventional way. The method of building a material legend and surface finder is sure to pique your interest because of its speed, optimization and automatic transfer of dimensions and data to documentation. [embed][/embed] Intrigued? Find out how to start your 30-Day…~ Ewa Gaczorek
In this tutorial, we present a quick and optimal way to model in WOODEXPERT based on a 2D projection. It involves inserting parametric furniture from a ready-made library based on the dimensions in the projection thanks to a special viewport. In addition to insertion and library capabilities, you will see methods for quick modification of furniture their settings and casmomization…~ Ewa Gaczorek
How do you quickly turn a development project into reality? The architectural and furniture industries are two inextricably linked sectors that co-create modern living spaces. The interplay between these fields has a significant impact on shaping both apartments, offices and other public spaces. The common denominator may be furniture design software: projects can be implemented very quickly by turning a…~ Ewa Gaczorek
In today's fast-paced furniture industry, effective tools are becoming a key element of success. WOODEXPERT software guarantees not only to facilitate furniture design, but also to optimize production processes. So how can you make the most of the 30 days of demo testing to test WOODEXPERT in your company? Check out our 7 tips! 1. Get familiar with the interface…~ Ewa Gaczorek
The end of the year is a time for summaries and investments. If your business is related to furniture design and manufacturing, it may be the perfect time to invest in tools that will transform the way you work. Check if you are missing any of the following key factors in your current approach to developing projects and documentation in…~ Ewa Gaczorek
None of us likes limitations: especially in the business of the furniture industry, where flexibility and unlimited creativity are key factors for success. When we face a constraint in the furniture manufacturing business, we want tools that will smoothly overcome the barriers and prevent us from suffering financial losses and production from stagnating. One of the most important tools connecting…~ Ewa Gaczorek