
About Us

We are a SOLIDWORKS Certified Solution Partner,  leading provider of SOLIDWORKS, CAMWorks, Microsoft Business Central on the Polish market and a developer of WOODEXPERT. Thanks to 21 years of experience in the industry, we have become familiar with the challenges companies face on a daily basis. Today we know how to meet our clients’ expectations by supporting development, technology and construction departments, providing and implementing advanced CAD/CAM/PDM/ERP solutions. SOLIDEXPERT is not only a provider of software solutions, but also an Authorized Training Centre of SOLIDWORKS and CAMWorks, CNC Machining Centre and many other services. After 21 years we have grown to a team of 115 people and we continue to develop together with our clients.


years on the market






original solutions

Our team

Our company employs 115 specialists.
Most of them are engineers. Make sure to meet the creators of WOODEXPERT.

Andrzej Banaś

Aleksander Księżopolski

Agnieszka Dziewulska

Wojciech Kowalczyk

Karolina Zych-Masłyk

Kamil Wilkosz

Błażej Wojtyla

Agnieszka Zielińska

Mateusz Kiliński

Tomasz Kondek

Mateusz Skrobacz

Damian Jelonek

Michał Świerczek

Stefan Wysocki

Monika Strach-Huścio

Aneta Sałach

Rafał Śliz

Klaudia Fedko

Emilia Grodecka

Małgorzata Śmierciak

Our certifications

SOLIDWORKS Certified Solution Partner Becoming a Certified Solution Partner with WOODEXPERT is a guarantee of its high quality and full compatibility with the SOLIDWORKS environment.


SOLIDWORKS Authorised Reseller SOLIDWORKS Authorised Reseller We are a fully authorized and certified SOLIDWORKS distributor in Poland. This means that we have the necessary product and technical expertise to deliver solutions from the SOLIDWORKS portfolio and provide technical training in their use.


CAMWorks Authorised Reseller As the only CAMWorks Authorised Reseller in Poland, we can deliver the program to Polish companies and provide certified training in its use.

ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Certificate We have implemented a Quality Management System in our SOLIDWORKS and CAMWorks Training Centre and CNC Machining Centre. This ensures our customers that training and CNC machining are carried out to the highest quality standards.

Microsoft Partner By meeting the requirements and high competence of our employees, we can successfully deliver Microsoft Office 365 solutions.

Company history



In March 2002, SOLIDEXPERT, founded by Mr. Andrzej Banaś, commenced operations. The first few years of operations also largely involved educating companies about 3D CAD design and its benefits. The company was based in Pielgrzymowice near Kraków.

Poland's first CSWP certificate

SOLIDEXPERT employees are the first in Poland to obtain the prestigious CSWP (Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional) certificate, which confirms the company’s technical focus in the area of solutions offered.

New office in Krakow

With the expansion of our team and the growing number of clients, it was necessary to move to new headquarters. The office on Emaus Street in Kraków also accommodated a training room.

SOLIDEXPERT authorised distributor of CAMWORKS in Poland

To meet the expectations of customers and seeing the increasingly widespread use of CNC machines in Polish companies, CAMWORKS, a CAM-class solution, is added to the SOLIDEXPERT portfolio. In 2017, the program will be added to the SOLIDWORKS portfolio as SOLIDWORKS CAM.

First President’s Club award for SOLIDEXPERT

This prestigious award recognises the world’s best SOLIDWORKS distributors, both in the commercial and technical areas.

Poland's first Elite Application Engineer award

The Elite Application Engineer is the most important possible certification of technical competence and knowledge of SOLIDWORKS. Our team also has an impact on software development.

Opening of branch in Gdansk

Our sales and technical team is available to our customers. The Gdansk branch also acts as a training centre. This allows our customers to choose a more suitable location for their training and technical and commercial consultations.

President’s Club dla SOLIDEXPERT

SOLIDEXPERT once again among the best SOLIDWORKS distributors in the world.

President's Club for SOLIDEXPERT and Top Reseller Overall Performance Central EMEA, 100% Club

Another year in a row SOLIDEXPERT among the best SOLIDWORKS distributors in the world and confirmation of the high qualifications of the team.

Creation of the Development Department

The Development Department is a team of qualified programmers creating dedicated solutions for individual company needs. Key solutions include SOLIDWORKS/PDM macros as well as complex applications such as Multikonektor for integrating the CAD+PDM environment with ERP systems. Over time, the SOLIDEXPERT development team has become an integrator of engineering systems.

President’s Club dla SOLIDEXPERT, 100% Club

Another year in a row SOLIDEXPERT among the best SOLIDWORKS distributors in the world and confirmation of the high qualifications of the team.

New location

The constantly growing team requires new work space. Therefore, the company’s main office is moved to G. Zapolska 44 in Kraków.

100% Club

Achievement of 100% of the sales plan assumed by SOLIDWORKS. SOLIDEXPERT awarded for high performance.

Customer Partnership Award Education/Research

Award for high sales results and commitment in the area of education and R&D.

100% Club

Achievement of 100% of the SOLIDWORKS sales plan. SOLIDEXPERT awarded for high performance.

Establishing cooperation with Microsoft

Microsoft partnership allows us to offer ERP class solutions (MS Dynamics NAV) as well as Dynamics 365 cloud solutions. This allows us at SOLIDEXPERT to offer comprehensive solutions for businesses.

President’s Club for SOLIDEXPERT, 100% Club

Another year in a row SOLIDEXPERT in the group of the best SOLIDWORKS distributors in the world and confirmation of high qualifications of the team.

TOP1 SOLIDWORKS Reseller in Central Europe

SOLIDEXPERT was recognized and awarded by SOLIDWORKS manufacturer Dassault Systèmes for its performance, achievements and technical level in 2017, earning the title of TOP1 SOLIDWORKS Reseller in the EuroCentral region.

Growth Sales Partner of the Year – CAMWorks

Receiving an award from the CAMWorks manufacturer for the highest sales growth in the EMEA area.

Opening of a branch office in Warsaw

Office located in central Poland. There is a very well equipped training room and a sales and technical team at customers’ disposal. New office is located at 2 Hankiewicza Street.

Opening of the Training Centre in Poznań

In response to our customers’ needs, we have opened another SOLIDWORKS Authorised Training Centre in Poznań, where certified SOLIDWORKS and CAMWorks training courses are conducted.

TOP 1 Reseller Customer Satisfaction EuroCentral

SOLIDEXPERT has been recognized and awarded by SOLIDWORKS manufacturer Dassault Systèmes for the highest quality of customer service and score in 2018, earning the title of TOP1 SOLIDWORKS Reseller in the EuroCentral region.

ISO 9001:2015 certification - training

Implementation of ISO 9001 Quality Management System for the Training Centre.

Opening of a branch office in Rzeszów

Due to the demands of our clients, we have opened another office located in Dąbrówki near Rzeszów. The Rzeszów branch is an Authorised SOLIDWORKS Training Centre and a team of technical and sales specialists.

Commissioning of the CNC machining centre in Rzeszów

Responding to the market demand, in autumn we started another branch of services provided by SOLIDEXPERT, i.e. CNC machining services using a DMG MORI 5-axis machining centre.

100% Club, 100% Club EDU

Achievement of 100% of the SOLIDWORKS sales plan. SOLIDEXPERT awarded for high results achieved in the area of commercial and educational customers.

TOP 1 EuroCentral Reseller SOLIDWORKS Sale-in-Rate

Award for the best SOLIDWORKS reseller in the Central European region in the category of the highest sales growth and results achieved.

ISO 9001:2015 certification - CNC machining

Implementation of ISO 9001 Quality Management System for the CNC Production Division.

Launch of a new service - construction and integration of robotic workstations

SOLIDEXPERT helps companies automate their work by helping them build and integrate robotic workstations for processes such as milling, grinding, deburring, machine handling, palletizing, pick & place, welding, welding.

Becoming a Certified SOLIDWORKS Solution Partner

Joining the ranks of Certified Solution Partners with the WOODEXPERT product is a guarantee of its high quality and full compatibility with the SOLIDWORKS environment.

Od momentu rozpoczęcia współpracy w 2005 roku, firma wielokrotnie potwierdziła swoją wiedzę i profesjonalizm w zakresie oferowanych rozwiązań.

Ryszard Bedynek
Kierownik Działu Informatyki

W przeciągu wielu lat współpracy firma SOLIDEXPERT wykazała się wysokimi kwalifikacjami w zakresie swoje działalności. Możemy liczyć na wsparcie w zakresie obsługi programu, szkolenia, a także konsultacje techniczne.

Agata Wenglorz-Dorosz

Od 2018 roku aktywnie współpracujemy z firmą SOLIDEXPERT w zakresie konsultacji, wdrożeń i utrzymania rozwiązań CAD/CAM/PDM. Współpraca podczas całego procesu sprzedaży oraz wdrożenia przebiegała pomyślnie. Rozwiązania dostarczone przez firmę SOLIDEXPERT są w pełni wykorzystywane i rozwijane.

Małgorzata Wronkowska-Kokot
Prezes Zarządu

Wsparcie w zakresie pomocy technicznej oraz handlowe rozmowy prowadzone są na najwyższym poziomie. Zdecydowanie możemy polecić firmę SOLIDEXPERT jako partnera rozwiązań SOLIDWORKS w Polsce.

Sylwia Koszela
Dyrektor ds. Projektów

Od 2005 roku aktywnie współpracujemy z SOLIDEXPERT w zakresie doradztwa, wdrożenia i utrzymania oprogramowania SOLIDWORKS. W kwestiach tych mogliśmy zawsze liczyć na rzetelną i fachową pomoc.

Arkadiusz Sobkowiak
Dyrektor Badań i Rozwoju

Firma SOLIDEXPERT dołożyła wszelkich starań, aby poznać nasze potrzeby i zaproponowała rozwiązanie w pełni odpowiadające naszym oczekiwaniom. Z przyjemnością polecamy SOLIDEXPERT jako zaufanego partnera biznesowego.

Wojciech Sobczak

Na każdym etapie wdrażania projektu czuliśmy wsparcie i zaangażowanie zespołu SOLIDEXPERT. Dzięki oprogramowaniu WOODEXPERT zoptymalizowaliśmy działania projektowe i produkcyjne. Zdecydowanie rekomendujemy firmę do współpracy.

Janusz Czajka
Dyrektor Zarządzający