

In today’s episode I will present the WOODEXPERT’s packing function. As software developers, we were interested in ensuring that the work during the furniture design process takes into account all its production stages.

Properly packaged furniture allows for the best possible transportation to the client, storage and maintaining original appearance and quality for a long period of time. The arrangement of packing at the design stage allows for minimisation of material losses and retaining the documentation complete. With WOODEXPERT packing is intuitive and allows you to create different configurations.

I will begin with allocating a selected number of elements to a specific package.

I then go through: choosing the arrangement of layers, adding notes, rotating selected elements, compressing package dimensions by moving elements in columns. Furniture panel dimensions are retrieved automatically from a bill of materials.

The next stage is to select the package separators: their type, size and location, e.g. create a margin around the packed panels or separate them on one layer to avoid collisions. Separators are added automatically to the BOM and can be updated during the projects after being defined in ranges.

When the packaging process is complete, I switch to generate the documentation. It allows me to determine precisely the filling material of each package layer, the dimensions and parameters of the box and the number of layers. Once the documentation has been generated, it is stored in the database.

Author: Ewa Gaczorek, WOODEXPERT specialist

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SOLIDEXPERT made effort to learn about our needs and offered a solution that fully met our expectations. We are pleased to recommend SOLIDEXPERT as a trusted business partner.

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At every stage of the project implementation, we felt the support and commitment of the SOLIDEXPERT team. With WOODEXPERT, we optimized our design and production activities. We strongly recommend the company for cooperation.

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